Frequently Asked


Am I able to buy directly from Sean Sheep?

Unfortunately, no. We do not warehouse stock to sell direct to the consumer. You can purchase our current range from Big W stores in person and online.

Big W Customer Service may be able to assist you in locating stock of specific products.

I have started making your pattern and I am having difficulty with it, can you please help?

Sean Sheep provides pattern support for all our patterns and kits. You can get in contact with our pattern writers through our contact form. Please provide as much detail as possible.

Do you have any more patterns for this yarn?

All our yarn comes with a QR code linking you to suitable patterns. Yarns that have been part of our range for a long time will have more patterns available, many of which are available for free here. New yarns to our range many only have one or two patterns written for them.

There are knots in my yarn. Is this a defect?

The manufacturing process results in some necessary joins in the yarn. Chunkier yarns will have joins more frequently than finer yarns. The industry standard allows for 1-2 joins per 50g of yarn.

If you have any concerns or queries about the quality of Sean Sheep yarn, please use our contact form to get in touch with us.

How do I stock Sean Sheep yarn in my retail store?

Please contact us at for all retail enquiries.

Need more info?

If you haven’t found the answer to your question, get in touch with us.